I feel great today. The extra day of rest was a brilliant idea.
This morning I got another session of stretching in this morning. I wish I could make time for this every morning. It gets blood circulating throughout your body and really wakes you up. I felt completely refreshed.
Tonight I met my trainer. His name is Rueben. He is a professional body builder, about my height, latin ethnicity, not overly big but you can tell he's all muscle. He seems like a real no BS kinda of guy and I can appreciate that. The appointment tonight was mostly to get measurements taken and discuss goals, eating, etc.
He is confident that he can get me down eight pounds before the marathon. I guess we'll see. I've platueaed on any type of weightloss now for more than a month. Not gaining or losing, staying flat around 180 lbs. His scale said 183, must be the food and water I've had during the day because there is no way I gained 3 lbs since this morning.
After the consultation, I headed to the Gold's Cardio Theatre and jumped right into my 11 mile run with a mid seven pace. My legs were feeling spectacular so why not go for it. I was surprised after 4 miles that I was able to keep the pace. Transporter 3 was playing in the theatre and kept my focus off of the dials on the treadmill. Before I knew it, I was at 7 miles. I had to bring the speed down on the treadmill but couldn't help but think about getting a time in the sevens for my 11 mile run. With only four miles to go, I very carefully adjusted the speed up and down trying to maintain an overall average in the sevens. At 9.5 miles, I was starting to fatigue and had to drop the speed way down. I let myself recover for the next .75 miles and then cranked the speed up into a high six minute pace staying there through the finish. Although a treadmill run, I was really proud of this run.
Fastest time for any run over 10miles.
Stats: 11 miles - 1:27:53 time - 7:58 pace
Looking for to a distance PR this weekend in St. Louis. Dragging my brother along for as far as he can run.
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