Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 44 - Only 44 Days Left Until the London Marathon


Yesterday's 11 miler was motivating. I really feel like I have a chance at making my goal time of 3'40". Still a long ways to considering I will need to keep up a pace not much slower than that for an the entire race.

It has me thinking about strategy and how I want to tackle the twenty sixer in just over a month from now.

Do I go slow for 18-20 and put on the speed on the last 6-8? Do I try to keep a steady pace throughout and hope I don't run out of gas at the end? Maybe one or two miles fast and one or two miles slow? The fact is, I really don't know much at all still about strategy, pre-race, race and post race nutrition, etc.

Time hasn't been on my side lately, so the likelihood I research anytime soon is pretty low. I will make some time for it eventually just know it won't be until closer to the race.

I'm looking forward to this weekend as I am going with Elise to St. Louis to see my brother and his wife. Casey is going to run with me this weekend. Well, run with me as much as he can. He's a pretty athletic person all-round but hasn't run much more than 6 miles. On Sunday, I have 24.5 miles to run. His plan is to run with me as long as he can and then I'll finish the rest solo. We'll see.
