Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Run Flick Run - 19 January 2010 (Day 1)

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to my blog. It's official, at 3:51pm Central Standard Time, I received notice that I have been accepted and will be running for the The Children's Trust in the London Marathon.

This is exciting for so many reasons.

  • The Children's Trust ( is great charity in the UK that provides rehabilitation services to children. One of their services include the UK's largest paediatric brain injury rehabilitation centre. Something I can certainly relate to (more on my story below).

  • I love what the London Marathon stands for. The London Marathon ( is known as the biggest annual fundraising event on the planet. Very exciting to be a part of this.

  • My wife and I are moving to London in the next few weeks. Running for the The Children's Trust team means lots of opportunity to meet new people.

  • The route for the London Marathon is full of historic landmarks. The race starts in Blackheath, heads east through Charlton and Woolwich for three miles, turns west and passes the Cutty Sark in Greenwich after six to seven miles. It crosses the River Thames at Tower Bridge and then loops around the east end of London, past Canary Wharf in Docklands, before heading west again along the Highway and the Embankment to Parliament Square, Birdcage Walk and the final corner in front of Buckingham Palace. What a great place and event to run my first full marathon!

  • It will be incredibly challenging. A little background on my running history...started running with a focus on races in July 2010. I started out running 2 miles, about an 11 minute pace. Ugly. I ran my first Half Marathon in Tyler, TX on 11 October 2010. My goal time was 2 hours flat, I finished in 1 hour 53 minutes. After a brief break, I started training again for my second Half. On 21 November 2010, I ran my second Half Marathon in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My goal time was 1 hour and 45 minutes, I missed my goal by 2 minutes crossing the finish at 1 hour 47 minutes. Now it's time to move on to the big one, 26.2 in London - here I come. Goal - - - 3 hours 40 minutes.

  • I'm a chunk. Time to lose some weight, what better than marathon training to lose a few pounds?

Part of runnining for a charity means raising money, I'll have a website up soon to collect donations.

My goal is £3000 ($4,500 USD).

I'll keep everyone updated on the training and fundraising. Thank you in advance for the support!

~Run Flick Run~

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