Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 17 - Only 71 Days Left Until the London Marathon

Hi Everyone,

When I woke up this morning, I was surprisingly a tight. I was expecting to be a bit more loose. Nothing bad just enough to be a reminder of my commitment to increasing the stretching I'm doing.

Kristen suggested checking into yoga poses for runners. I found a set of 10 yoga poses design for runners. I've always know how much flexibility I lack...realising just how much further I have to go.

The poses: 
  • The Wall Dog - feels great
  • Hamstring Stretch - not sure this actually has a name but the stance and the angles of your feet stretches the hamstring more than any other hamstring stretch I've done
  • Wide Leg Standing Forward Bend - really works all over
  • Wide Leg Standing Forward Bend with Twist - I'm not actually able to pull this one off
  • Lunge - basic lunge frozen in motion
  • Front Thigh Stretch - it is in a sitting position, looks simple enough but I'm not really flexible enough to do this properly
  • Bound Angle Pose - should just call it sitting indian style...
  • Diamond Pose with Toes Tucked Under - ouch
  • Diamond Pose with Cow-Face Pose Arms - not happening, my hands didn't even get close - towel needed
  • Full Body Relaxation with Conscious Breathing - I'm pretty sure they mean sleeping
I'm going to finish with the 10th pose, as of now.


1 comment:

  1. ::: slaps palm on forehead. :::: I'm looking some up for you now! There are a few that I just love, and no matter how flex you are, you do what you can. Sending it to your fb.
