Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 22 - Only 66 Days Left Until the London Marathon

Hi Everyone,

The days continue to fly by. I had a closer look at my training plan last night and realised a couple of things.

  • My biggest week totals up to 49 miles…wow

  • I haven’t structured my speed work routine, right now it is the same as what I found online. I’ve been meaning to incorporate Yasso 800s. I haven’t been doing them and I think it is because I haven’t written it down. I’ve just been following the plan on the fridge.

  • Stretching needs to be added, if it isn’t written down – it doesn’t seem like a real priority.

  • Cross training needs to be incorporated

  • My off days shouldn’t just be off days, I need to add something in. Could be cross training, learning new yoga poses for runners, researching speed technique, spending an hour focused on fundraising ideas/effort, etc.

So I ran my five miles last night, on the treadmill. I laugh a little at the idea of running on the treadmill, especially for extended differences. I wonder what someone from the first century would think about us just running and running in place but going nowhere. I imagine it would take a lot of explaining and convincing to get them on one.

Last night it reminded me of a corner in downtown Calgary where a fitness centre sat on the second floor. There is a row of treadmills facing the glass and when it gets dark (at 4:00pm in the Winter) you could see a row of them just running on the hamster wheel…

Ok, somewhat off topic but not really. Moral of the story, treadmills suck and we’re intended for caged rodents not humans.

So I ran five miles last night, it is great that five miles seems like a quick out and back. I sometimes forget that a five mile run to a large majority of the population isn’t in their vocabulary. Not that I’m better than anyone, well I kinda am, but you know it gives me something to be proud of. I’ve worked hard to get to this point and see no reason why I shouldn’t revel in it a little.

Pace was good but not spectacular (8:31) considering it was performing in a fitness room at 80F. Sweatshop. I was soaked after the run. Good cleanse.

I’ll be updating my training plan this week and will post for the world to see. Be great to get some feedback as well, cause truth be told I’m piecing it together as I go.


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